So, ladies and gentlemen, after much ado, we finally have Jared's mission call. When it came in the mail, my heart was beating so hard. We gathered as a family and he ripped it open. Many tears later, the words sunk into my head and my heart..... Geneva Switzerland. He's going to Switzerland to serve a French speaking mission ! I can't believe it. His dream has been realized. His mission is huge !!! It emcompasses Switzerland, France, Belgium, and Luxembourge. He will report to the MTC on January 28th to begin. He has taken 4 years of French and I'm sure that that had a little bit to do with the fact that he was called over there. I told Gary that we have to start saving now, as I WILL be going to pick him up. I'm so proud of him. I don't think that his feet have touched the ground yet. They probably won't for awhile. I was so praying for him to stay in the states, but he has always wanted to go foreign. I guess if he has to go overseas, this isn't a bad place to be at all.