Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Phone Call

Hello everyone! What a terrific day I had yesterday at 11:00 am Mountain Standard Time. I got to talk to Jared for a whole hour! It was an amazing phone call. He sounded so good. We were so excited to hear from him He's doing so well and he is loving it in Switzerland. He said that everything there is so beautiful but so different. We talked and lauged and had just a wonderful day. He has been out in the field for 104 days today. We sent him a 100 day box and we were so excited for him to get it. He said that he got it and is having fun seeing what surprises his sister has included for him. It was an amazing gift to be able to speak with him. I loved it! He stated that he has sent home a package for us with Switzerland tshirts for the entire family along with his photo card and some other things. I'm hoping for chocolate myself!!! I can't wait to taste some Swiss chocolate. Jared said that they have fast food places there but it's different than here. It's like Mom and Pop stands. His favorite is a Kabob. Basically, Jared said, it is a giant meat ball on a stick! He said that he always tells them no vegetables ( yep! that's my son! ) so he just eats the plain meat. He will be with this companion for another 6 weeks or so and then will get a new one. He will stay in Fribourg for approximately 12 more weeks. He told us that he has been sight seeing a ton and will have fun things to take us to when we pick him up. He also told us that he has been cooking... For example, last night they were going to make crepe tacos... with a pork roast that they had made a couple of nights ago? What??? Jared cooking? Spaghetti was a huge stretch for him and now pork roasts and crepes?Yes indeed, folks! He said that he is learning a lot of things and will be able to make us an 'incredible dinner' when we get there. I am so proud of him. He is learning so many things and will return a man instead of a little boy. I love and miss him so much. I will post new photos of him as soon as I get the card. Until next time faithful readers...
Take Care


Becky said...

That is so great, I bet it was so wonderful hearing his voice, and then hearing that he is doing so well. It's great to get letters, but to hear it in your own child's voice probably means a lot more. My brother is on his mission and I don't think his mission got to call home, which is so weird. He sounds like he's growing by leaps and bounds.

Deb-t said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day present. I'm so glad you got to talk with him. Did you keep the tears in check or were you blubbering, I wonder? It would be so emotional for me, I think! Anyway, how exciting for him to be trying (and cooking) new foods!
