Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chambe'ry Anyone??

So, we received an email from Jared and he is being transferred to Chambe'ry France. He has been in beautiful Fribourg since he arrived in Switzerland, so we knew that this transfer was coming. While this is not as picturesque as there, it is still very beautiful there.
It is in the French countryside... we are not sure where he will be exactly, but this is what I googled . He will send me real photos soon, I'm sure, once he is settled.

You hear of the canals over in Europe, but this is so amazingly beautiful. I can't wait until we get to see it in person... of course, everything will probably be frozen then.

This photo actually reminds me of where I grew up in California. Not the beautiful old house in the background, just the grape vines. They surrounded our house. I'm sure ( not from personal experience though) that this is why the French wine is so popular. I can't wait to hear how he is and how he is liking it. His French teacher, Bill, who served in the very same mission as Jared, said that Switzerland was heaven and France was H E double hockey sticks. We'll see it he agrees!


Stephanie said...

Its so beautiful!!

lisa said...

Hey-colleen i haven't forgotten you, I just can't decide what to do about stamp club. I will let you know soon though. Take care!
